A Saskatoon man is on trial, accused of tricking a 17-year-old girl into sending him “nudes” and then threatening to distribute them if she didn’t send increasingly sexual photos.
Abdul Rehman Jat, now 21, is charged with possessing and distributing child pornography, luring and extortion. His trial started in October 2017 with a voir dire, or trial within a trial, to determine whether his charter rights were breached when police obtained his address. Justice Neil Gabrielson dismissed the charter application.
The trial continued on Wednesday in Saskatoon Court of Queen’s Bench, where Crown prosecutor Evan Thompson presented an agreed statement of facts.
Court heard that in July 2016, the 17-year-old girl was contacted by the Facebook account “Veronica Alvarez.” The user said they were the “boss” and told the teen she had to send nude photos, which she did.
The user then threatened to send those photos to the girl’s friends and family unless she sent photos of herself having sex with someone she described as “a guy she didn’t like.”
Around the same time, someone created a fake Facebook account under the teen’s name, added her friends and posted her nude photos. The girl told her mother about the accounts and they reported it to police.
Jat is accused of using the Alvarez account, as well as an account under the name “Jo Jo,” which court heard was also used for the extortion.
Evidence admitted after the voir dire shows the Jo Jo account sent the victim the same nude photos that she had previously sent to the Alvarez account, and threatened to send one every hour if she “would not have sex with Abdul.” Investigators traced the IP address to Jat’s home, where police seized and subsequently searched his cellphone.
Det. Const. Lindsey Wall, a forensic technician with the Internet Child Exploitation (ICE) unit, testified on Wednesday that Jat’s Facebook account contained the Jo Jo user account. Other user accounts on the phone — including Kik and Gmail — were also associated with Jat, Wall said.
Facebook had already blocked the Alvarez account by the time police got involved, but Wall said he was able to recover deleted messages that show the account was active on Jat’s phone.
Under cross-examination, Wall told defence lawyer Rylund Hunter that accounts used by people other than Jat were found on his phone, and that some accounts weren’t associated with specific people’s names.
Although the phone itself was not password protected — meaning anyone could use it — certain applications such as Facebook still required passwords, Wall said.
He testified that although there were numerous “ownership identifiers” on the phone, police can’t definitively say who was using the device at any given time.
The trial is scheduled to conclude on Friday.