Often referred to as the “Wheat Wizard of Rosthern,” Seager Wheeler’s tireless research, dedication and execution in the world of farming helped put the prairies on the map of Canada.
Wheeler came to Saskatchewan from the United Kingdom in 1885, building Maple Grove Farm east of Rosthern five years later. That’s where he taught himself about dry land farming.
He became a member of the Canadian Seed Growers Association in 1910 and between 1911 and 1918, Wheeler won five international wheat-growing awards with his selectively-bred strains of spring wheat, setting a record that still stands today. He went on to write a book, publish several articles and give lectures, sharing his knowledge on progressive farming techniques and agricultural experimentation.
The latter field was previously dominated by universities and governments. Those same institutions were requesting samples of Wheeler’s new wheat varieties: Marquis 10B, Kitchener and Red Bobs.
Wheeler was also known for inventing seed cleaning equipment and developing horticulture species, including the Saskatchewan Crabapple. His farm once boasted the largest orchard on the prairies, according to the Seager Wheeler Farm’s website.
People can still stroll through Maple Grove Farm — a Canada National Historic Site — as it continues to be restored to its 1919 condition.
Wheeler was made a Member of the Order of the British Empire in 1943. He moved to Victoria, B.C. in 1947 and died in 1961 at the age of 93. He remains arguably the most famous farmer in the history of the Canadian prairies.
As we celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday in 2017, the StarPhoenix and Leader-Post are telling the stories of 150 Saskatchewan people who helped shape the nation. Send your suggestions or feedback to sask150@postmedia.com.