During a trip to a tanning salon, a Saskatoon woman spotted something in the mirror while applying lotion — something she soon realized was a cellphone.
Her disturbing observation led to an extensive police investigation that revealed videos taken of 18 other women, without their consent, while undressing in tanning salons around Saskatoon. Police soon had to notify those 18 women that a stranger had secretly recorded them while they were naked.
That man, 29-year-old Harley Zane Irwin, received a 12-month conditional sentence in Saskatoon provincial court on Thursday after pleading guilty to 19 counts of voyeurism at an earlier court appearance.
Court heard the initial complainant saw Irwin holding a cellphone over the top of an opening between tanning rooms at the Eighth Street Fabutan on Nov. 25, 2014. She told a staff member, who called police.
Officers executed a search warrant in February 2015 and seized a phone containing nearly 200 videos, of which 18 resulted in charges, Crown prosecutor Christy Pannell said. Using GPS, officers tracked the videos to four different tanning salons. Victims were identified by taking screen shots of the women’s faces and comparing them to SGI records, court heard.
Defence lawyer Patrick McDougall called two doctors to testify during Irwin’s sentencing hearing. Dr. Derek Doan, Irwin’s family doctor and psychotherapist, assessed Irwin as having Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). A second doctor diagnosed him as having a sex addiction that resulted from childhood trauma.
Dr. Fred Reekie, a psychologist deemed an expert in the diagnosis and treatment of sex addiction, said Irwin is making strides in his treatment and has shown tremendous growth. He is also aware of the lasting trauma his victims will have to live with, Reekie said.
Pannell argued for a six-month jail sentence followed by two years of probation. She argued Irwin’s decision to victimize 19 women should not be excused just because he was victimized in the past.
The offences were planned and deliberate; on 19 occasions, Irwin violated 19 women’s privacy — sometimes twice in one day — and objectified them for his own sexual gratification, Pannell said.
“These women had no choice in this matter.”
Reading excerpts from victim impact statements, Pannell said Irwin’s victims described feeling uneasy in public and having difficulty sleeping. Some feared the videos were published online.
In arguing for a conditional discharge, McDougall said there is no evidence that any of those videos ever left his client’s phone. Irwin has voluntarily taken every available step toward rehabilitation — including seeking help immediately after he was charged — and has shown a “significant” level of remorse, McDougall told court.
Just as his victims will likely suffer their entire lives, Irwin “has been sentenced with this his entire life,” he said.
“I don’t know how to fully express the sorrow I feel for all the victims,” Irwin told Judge Doug Agnew, adding he feels helpless because there’s nothing he can do to fix it.
Agnew said it was concerning that even after Irwin was caught the first time, he went on to make 18 more videos between November 2014 and his arrest in February 2015. Irwin said he knew it was wrong but couldn’t control the impulse.
“I would hate myself every single time, but before I knew it, I’d be in there again,” he said.
Even after his arrest, Irwin said he still felt the impulse every time he drove past a tanning salon. He sought further help in order to understand his actions, he said.
Calling it “outrageous, demeaning and revolting criminal behaviour,” Agnew imposed conditions that Irwin not have a cellphone for the first three months of his sentence and continue with his sex addiction treatment. He followed with a stern warning: if Irwin breaches any of his conditions, he can expect to leave his next court appearance in handcuffs.